A dark mode is a feature that most phones and monitors have started offering. It’s essentially an inverted colour scheme, which users can access on updated operating systems and activate or deactivate as they please. When enabled, it will cover the entire operating system; apps, icons, text, and the surface of every media. With screen […]
Common Eye Tests to Identify Glaucoma to Prevent Blindness
Glaucoma is an eye condition that manifests as a result of damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve connects directly to the brain and can cause blindness if left unchecked. Glaucoma usually comes as a result of fluid building up in the front of the eye, which increases the pressure inside. It can lead […]
How Can Your Diet Affect Your Eyes?
More than 200 million people worldwide struggle with mild to severe vision problems. The health of your eyes heavily depends on your heart and blood vessels. If they aren’t up to par, then your eye health will suffer. Your diet can significantly affect the health of your eyes. If you don’t eat enough nutritious foods, […]
Bad Contact Lens Habits You Should Leave Behind
Eyes are very sensitive organs, which is why you should be careful when putting on your contact lenses. Despite people using these lenses often, they can sometimes develop bad habits. These bad habits can eventually cause serious damage to your eyes, which makes identifying these bad habits so necessary. Contact Lens Habits You Should Leave […]
Can Dry Eyes Cause Floaters?

Dry eyes result from insufficient or poor-quality tears. There are many symptoms of dry eyes, and floaters are not one. Learn more about both conditions. […]
Common Eye Problems in Children

Since children’s vision isn’t fully developed, they might be vulnerable to different eye complications. Therefore, it is important for parents to make sure their kids have a healthy vision. After all, their vision can impact reading abilities, playing, and writing skills. Vision Issues in Children Vision problems are very common in kids and can impact […]
How Can I Care for My Eyes During Winter?

As winter starts and the weather gets cold, you may experience cold, flu, and cough symptoms. You can wear warm clothes and drink hot beverages to save yourself from the cold. But it is also important to consider that eyes are sensitive too and they need the utmost care during winter. Winter mainly causes redness, inflammation, […]
Vital Tips On Choosing Eyeglass Frames

For those who make use of prescription eyeglasses, it tends to become a significant part of their lifestyles. This means that if you should opt for the wrong frame design or shape, it would surely alter the look of your face but the reverse is the case when you settle for a frame that flatters […]
What To Expect At Your Child’s First Eye Exam

Routine physicals and dental appointments are considered necessary for children of all ages. However, eye exams are just as important for safeguarding your child’s health. Did you know that 5-10% of preschoolers and 25% of adolescents have vision complications? Identifying eye problems early on can help avoid damaging and costly problems in the future. It […]
Do You Suffer From Dry, Red and Itchy Eyes? With This Advice You Won’t Have To.

Are you one of those poor souls that is constantly blinking, rubbing and massaging your eyes simply to get rid of that chronic dryness? Dry eye syndrome, or DES, is a medical condition that includes frequent scratchiness, burning and dryness in the eyes that is difficult to control. Here are some tips for rehydrating your eyes and giving yourself some much deserved relief. […]