Myopia Control in South Edmonton

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Controlling Myopia Early

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common refractive error that makes it difficult to see distant objects clearly. The issue normally starts in childhood and progresses until the eye stabilizes (around age 20). Myopia affects nearly 30% of Canadians

If proper myopia control methods aren’t used early, children can end up with a high prescription when they’re older. During a child’s eye exam, we may recommend myopia control to help prevent this higher prescription. 

At Total Focus Optometry, we offer multiple myopia control methods to best fit your child’s comfort.

What is Myopia?

In an eye unaffected by myopia, the light that enters the eye is focused directly on the retina. This direct focus helps the brain interpret information correctly and creates a clear image. Myopia, however, causes the light entering the eye to focus in front of the retina.

Light is focused in front of the retina if the cornea is too curved or an elongated eyeball. If not controlled, the eye can continue to become more misshapen, causing a higher prescription. Proper myopia control helps to stabilize the eye’s changes. 

Common symptoms of myopia include:

  • Blurred vision when looking at distant objects 
  • Squinting or partially closing eyelids 
  • Headaches caused by eyestrain 
  • Difficulty seeing while driving (especially at night)

Myopia Control Methods

At Total Focus Optometry, we offer multiple myopia control methods to help slow the progression. Our selection is designed to fit multiple lifestyles and be easy to use, especially for kids.

MiSight Contact Lenses

MiSight 1 day contact lenses are designed specifically for children. The lenses are easy to use and can be thrown out after a day of wear. While wearing MiSight, children can enjoy clearer vision and parents can relax knowing the progression of myopia is being minimized.

Miyosmart glasses lenses are proven to slow the progression of myopia by 60%. The lenses also fit into regular glasses frames and don’t limit your child’s selection at all. In addition to offering clearer vision, Miyosmart lenses are anti-reflective, easy to clean, and are durable.

Atropine eye drops are easy-to-use eye drops that may be used in addition to glasses or contact lenses. The eye drops are normally used at night on a regular basis. While the drops can’t completely reverse myopia, they can slow its progression.

Nearsightedness Quiz

Start Myopia Control Today

We may recommend myopia control for your child during their eye exam. Starting this control early is important, as it helps limit the potential for a higher prescription later in life.

Our Location

Wanna see what we’re all about?

From our practice’s architecturally stunning office to our warm and welcoming staff, visiting Total Focus Optometry is always an enjoyable experience.

Our team can’t wait to meet new patients and see friendly returning faces!

Our Address

  • 3352 Gateway Blvd. NW
  • Edmonton, AB T6J 6V1

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 8:30 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 8:30 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

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