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Three Ways Winter Can Affect Your Eyes

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Although the winter months bring some of the most celebrated holidays of the year, you also face low temperatures and precipitation. You must take precautions to protect yourself from the potential risks of winter weather, whether you love the season for its celebrations or dislike it because of the cold weather.

Some of the most common precautions to take during the winter months include driving carefully and wearing plenty of layers when you go outside. However, you might forget about the risks of low temperatures to your eyes. You might not pay attention to these hazards because they seem less evident and not as dangerous as ice on the road, but these are just as harmful to your eye health.

  1. Dryness in the Atmosphere

When it is cold outside and heated inside, it can lead to low levels of moisture in the atmosphere. Due to low humidity during the winter months, you may develop dry skin, dry eyes, and chapped lips. Dryness in the atmosphere also causes redness, itching, and changes in your vision.

Your eyes may become dry from the chilly wind during the winter. At this time, it’s important to stay hydrated and boost your intake of omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the drying effects of winter air. You can use a humidifier to improve the air quality in your home.

  1. Teary Eyes

Some people experience low tear production in the winter, while others face the opposite. Cold air, piercing winds, and seasonal allergens can all cause excessive tearing and watery eyes. To figure out why your eyes are teary, pay attention to when they do so.

Wear shades or goggles to shield your eyes if you start tearing up when you step outside or when the wind blows in your direction. You can take allergy medication, and certain eye drops for excessive tearing to reduce the impact of allergies.

If these remedies are ineffective and you can’t identify the reason behind teary eyes, you can consult an optometrist, particularly if excessive tears impair your vision.

  1. Increased Light Sensitivity

Snowfall and ice generate numerous reflective surfaces that can significantly increase the amount of light that’s reflected into your eyes, even though winter skies often appear dreary and dark. If you have sensitive eyes, intense winter light may cause you to blink more frequently, feel uncomfortable, and exhibit other symptoms.

Wintertime snow blindness causes some people to become more sensitive to light. Always wear eye protection when spending time outdoors, whether you’re walking, shoveling snow, or engaging in other daily tasks.


Winter might be a rough time for your skin, but it has significant effects on your ocular health as well. Cool breeze, windy weather, dry atmosphere, and lack of humidity cause serious eye problems. Reflection of light off the snow can cause light sensitivity and winds entering straight into your eyes and can result in excessive tears.

You should wear UV-protected sunglasses or goggles while going out during cold weather, and make sure you stay indoors with a humidifier in your house to prevent serious eye problems.

Written by Marley Jaxx

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