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Main Causes of Farsightedness

Farsightedness is a common condition related to vision. It is also referred to as hyperopia, in which a person can see distant objects quite clearly but objects that are close appear blurry and unclear. The ability to focus depends largely upon one’s level of farsightedness. Those who suffer from extreme to severe farsightedness may only […]

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Color Vision Deficiency

What Does Color Vision Deficiency Mean? Color vision deficiency is the loss of ability to recognize certain colors. Another term used for this is color blindness. It makes it difficult for you to differentiate the different types of colors. There are some cases in which you are completely color blind and can only see shades […]

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Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye can be a chronic or temporary condition. Severe dry eye symptoms are likely to hurt. If your eyes are feeling dry and looking red, don’t worry as relief is available. Depending on the cause and severity of dry eyes, it might not be completely curable. However, in a majority of cases, you can manage […]

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What is Eye Trauma?

Eye trauma, also known as ocular trauma, is one of the leading causes of visual loss and blindness in the US that frequently affects young people. People who play basketball and baseball are more prone to eye trauma. Damage to the eyes, surrounding bones or tissues from a direct hit is known as eye trauma. […]

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Dangers of Blue Light

When you stare at a computer, TV, or phone screen for several hours at a time, you’re exposed to blue light emitted from these devices. All light rays are not created equal. Blue light is the kind of light that is emitted from your laptop, TV, and smartphone. It carries numerous vision and health risks […]

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Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Getting regular eye exams is one of the best forms of preventive care for your vision and eyes. By going to your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam, you can detect health problems early on. It is worth mentioning that several eye conditions – potentially blinding ones – do not have early symptoms. An ophthalmologist or optometrist can […]

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