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Top 3 Vision Apps

Your vision is the most important sense of your body because much of your nonverbal communication depends on your eyes. In fact, 2/3 of your brain works on the basis of eyesight. Hence, it is necessary to take care of your eyes for better vision. You may already know that squinting while looking at a […]

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What is a Lazy Eye?

Lazy eye, also known as Amblyopia, occurs when vision does not properly develop in one or both eyes during early life. It is a common problem in children and even in babies. A child’s vision develops in the early stages of life. It is important to diagnose amblyopia in childhood for early treatment. Your child […]

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Contact Lens Safety Tips

Most people wear contacts lens as a means of correcting their vision while some wear it merely for fashion purposes. There is one thing all wearers must be extra careful about, however, and that is safety. Here are a few valuable safety tips for safe contact lens wearing. Get a Prescription from an Eye Doctor […]

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