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A Complete Overview of Ocular Migraines

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An ocular migraine is a severe migraine that leads to a short period of blindness or vision loss that may occur for an hour or so. An ocular migraine consists of different migraine subtypes that all come along with certain vision issues. If you feel like you could attain an ocular migraine or you’re already going through it and not sure how to deal with it, then you must read this article further down.

Types of Ocular Migraine

The two types of ocular migraines occur differently and have different symptoms; however, it is sometimes hard to distinguish one from another. Hence you must consult your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.

Retinal Migraine

A retinal migraine includes visual symptoms that occur only in your eyes. Visual symptoms could appear before or during your migraine attack; however, these symptoms can be quite irritating to bear. Common symptoms that you may experience in retinal migraine are temporary blindness, less vision, and twinkling lights.

Migraine with Aura

A migraine with aura comes with short-lived visionary symptoms like blind spots, seeing different patterns, and more. However, this type of Ocular migraine also interferes with your other senses and speech. Migraine aura happens for a short time and does not necessarily have to occur with a headache. These symptoms are less daunting compared to retinal migraines. But the headache may sometime last for an hour and cause immense pain.

What Causes Ocular Migraines?

Many health professionals believe that the cause of ocular migraine subtypes is linked to abnormal electrical activity, especially migraine Aura. This is because the abnormal activity spreads at a slow rate through the cortex, which is responsible for the development of visual disturbances. Another common reason that causes Ocular migraine is the digital strain. Constantly straining your eyes can put you at a much higher risk of Ocular migraine with intense symptoms.

Treatments for Ocular Migraine

Not many people receive treatment for ocular migraines as the visual discrepancies during this migraine last for around an hour, which does not require any formal treatment. But a doctor’s appointment will help. The best natural way to treat ocular migraine is to stop doing whatever you’re doing at that movement and relax your eyes by keeping them closed. Many doctors recommend taking painkillers to achieve quicker relief from headache. The only time you may need immediate medical assistance is when you experience vision loss in only one eye.

There are a few drugs that your eye doctor may prescribe to treat Ocular migraines such as Tricyclic antidepressants, CGRP inhibitors, and Vaporic acid or blood pressure tablets.

Symptoms Associated with Ocular Migraine

  • Unbearable headaches
  • Headache when you start to move around
  • Nausea
  • Constant throbbing headache
  • Unable to bear light or sound
  • Vomiting


With the help of this Ocular migraine overview, you now know what to expect and do when you go through it or come across someone who is suffering from this visionary issue. If your condition worsens, do make sure to consult your eye doctor immediately.

Written by Total Focus

At Total Focus Optometry, we’ve spent the last 70 years building meaningful relationships with our patients and their families. From routine eye exams to contact lens fittings we offer our patients a variety of services to meet their eye care needs.

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