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How to Get Scratches Out of Glasses

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A patient holding glasses in their left hand and using their right hand to wipe them clean with a microfibre cloth to prevent scratches.

At Total Focus Optometry, we understand that your eyewear plays an important role in your everyday life. They help provide clear vision, reduce eye strain, and reflect your style and character. That’s why we offer an extensive selection of frames and lens options tailored to your needs and tastes. 

Keeping your glasses in impeccable condition can be challenging, particularly when preventing lens scratches. Although there’s no surefire way to remove scratches, we can provide advice on properly maintaining your lenses to prevent them, making sure that your eyewear remains as clear and fashionable as when you first chose them.

At Total Focus Optometry, we offer a comprehensive range of services to cater to all your optical needs. Whether you need lens repairs, prescription adjustments, or are exploring new frame options to suit your style, our team is here to guide you every step of the way. 

Effective Lens Care to Prevent Scratches

Often, scratches are only surface-level and can be minimized and prevented with proper cleaning techniques. Clean your glasses with a gentle mixture of mild soap and warm water. Use a soft microfiber cloth to carefully rub the lenses, removing dirt and grime. 

However, it is important to also consult a professional and invest in quality materials to help prevent scratches in the long term. 

Consult With Your Eye Care Professionals

Regular consultations with your optician or optometrist are crucial for lens care and scratch prevention. Our eye care team can offer personalized guidance on protecting your lenses, tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle. 

We can suggest preventive strategies such as effective cleaning methods and the most suitable scratch-resistant coatings for your lens type, making sure your eyewear stays in optimal condition. Routine check-ups also allow for early intervention, preventing minor issues from becoming major problems.

To make this more in line with the content, let's change it to: "A patient chats with their optometrist about tips to keep lenses scratch-free while looking at lens and coating options.

Invest in a Scratch-Resistant Coating

To prevent scratches, consider a scratch-resistant coating for your lenses. These coatings can enhance eyewear durability using materials such as diamond-like carbon, forming a clear, hard protective layer during manufacturing. This barrier helps shield lenses from drops, abrasions, and frequent cleaning. 

Particularly beneficial for active individuals, the coating helps maintain lens integrity and prolongs the lifespan of your glasses, providing clearer vision and lasting style. Investing in this protection is a smart way to keep your eyewear in top condition, offering both peace of mind and long-term value.

Ineffective DIY Solutions 

Plenty of home remedies are suggested for removing scratches from lenses, but these methods are often ineffective at best and damaging at worst.


Toothpaste is commonly suggested due to its abrasive nature, which might seem to smooth out scratches. However, this abrasiveness can lead to more harm or strip away protective coatings on your lenses.

Baking Soda & Salt

Baking soda and salt are sometimes proposed as DIY solutions for scratches. Yet, their abrasiveness is too harsh for delicate lenses and coatings, potentially causing deeper scratches or irreparable harm. Rather than effectively removing scratches, they can warp lenses and damage coatings, leading to a cloudy appearance.

Metal Polish

Marketed occasionally as a dual-purpose scratch remover and cleaner, metal polish contains abrasives designed for metal, not glass. It can scratch delicate lens surfaces and remove protective layers.


Polishes like car or furniture wax are often recommended to fill in scratches and enhance appearance. However, lens materials differ significantly from the surfaces waxes are intended for. Wax can cause further damage, disrupt lens coatings, and leave a residue that obstructs vision.

Prevention Is Essential

The best way to handle scratches is to prevent them in the first place. To keep your lenses scratch-free, consider these tips:

  • Store your glasses in a durable case when not wearing them.
  • Refrain from placing them face down on rough surfaces.
  • Avoid leaving them on your car’s dashboard, especially in hot weather, as this can craze your lenses.
  • Never clean the lenses while dry, as this can allow dust or debris to scratch them. 

Incorporating these habits will help protect your glasses and minimize the risk of scratches.

Achieving Crystal Clear Vision

Treat your glasses as the valuable investment they are, and make sure they’re always in top condition with the help of Total Focus Optometry. Our dedicated and caring team is committed to supporting your vision needs. 

Experience the benefits of professional eye care and keep your eyewear—and your view of the world—scratch-free. Schedule your appointment today with Total Focus Optometry, where your vision is our priority.

Written by Dr. Craig M

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