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Should You See an Optometrist or an Ophthalmologist for Good Eye Care?

Scheduling an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist is essential regarding your eye health. Eye specialists also encourage regular visits as this way, you can learn about the condition of your eyes and they can help diagnose potential eye diseases as well. It is also a wise decision as frequent appointments with an eye specialist […]

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How your Optometrist Can Spot Signs of Alzheimer’s?

You may be surprised to know that optometrists have successfully diagnosed around 320,000 cases pertaining to early symptoms of diabetes – enabling patients to of diabetes take early precautions to prevent severe symptoms from developing. There are chances that results would be positive if optometrists carry out a similar practice to diagnose symptoms of Alzheimer’s […]

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Do You Require Glasses After Laser Eye Surgery?

What Is Laser Eye Surgery? Laser eye surgery is a refractive surgery conducted to eliminate eyesight problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia. This is done to reduce the dependency on prescription lenses and glasses. There are different kinds of laser surgery, such as intraocular lenses and refractive surgeries, which you can get depending […]

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