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Google’s DeepMind AI Detects Eye Diseases

Globally, more than 285 million patients suffer from different sorts of eye disease or sight loss. To identify the signs, many eye doctors tend to use machine-learning technology to recommend the best treatment. DeepMind, which is owned by Google, is an artificial intelligence firm. Marking a technological breakthrough in the domain of ophthalmology, DeepMind has […]

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Exploring the Best Vision Correctness Options

Technology has evolved to an extent where people with minor or major refractive errors can benefit from hi-tech correction methods. There is a long list of vision problems that can be easily corrected through treatment. These problems include presbyopia, farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism, etc. Patients who need specialized correction methods can also improve their visual […]

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Are Your Eye Issues Hereditary?

Researchers have long been working to find a connection between eye issues and genes. Results from various studies and researches reveal that eye problems, such as lazy eyes, color blindness and nearsightedness are often hereditary. Although both farsightedness and near-sightedness are often inherited, it is usually impossible to identify the environmental or genetic factors that […]

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Does Blue Light Damage Cells In Your Eyes?

Sunlight is the biggest source of blue light. But there are many other sources including: Tablet screens, smartphones and computer monitors Compact fluorescent light bulbs Fluorescent light LED televisions and lights Recently, there is a growing concern over the adverse outcomes of excessive screen exposure. This is because of the close distance between your eyes […]

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