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Reasons Why You May be Experiencing Sudden Changes in Your Vision

Do you constantly rub your eyes to get a clearer view? Or does your view grow blurry after rubbing your eyes? Are you suffering from double-vision, blurry vision, or maybe a loss or partial vision? These conditions are generally temporary and may be due to some sort of medication or activity.   However, there can be serious reasons behind why you might experience a sudden change in vision. Some of the […]

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Dry Eye: Common Challenges and Recent Advancements

Dry eye is a condition in which your eyes fail to produce enough lubrication due to a lack of tears. A lack of tears can have various underlying reasons.  Instability in tear production causes damage to your eye’s surface and inflammation. Dry eyes are extremely uncomfortable and may cause continuous burning or stinging. As part of this condition, the following problems occur:  A frequent scratchy, […]

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A Complete List of Causes and Symptoms Behind Blurred Vision

Your vision starts to blur if any of the eye’s components, whether it’s the optic nerve, retina, or cornea, fail to work properly. Blurred vision takes time to develop as it is often the result of a long term condition. When your vision lacks sharpness, objects may seem blurry. Sure, this might be a symptom of farsightedness and near–sightedness. Nevertheless, blurring of vision can have various other causes.  Causes of Blurred Vision  Stroke  A stroke can damage […]

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Effective Ways to Deal with Computer Screen Vision Syndrome

Computer screen vision syndrome is becoming a common problem among people. The primary reason for it is the increasing usage of digital screens. It’s better to follow some precautions to prevent the development of this syndrome.  What is Computer Screen Vision Syndrome?  Computer screen vision syndrome is one of the common syndromes in this technological world. This is also commonly known as digital eye strain. It includes a group of vision and eye-related problems that occur because of the prolonged use of mobiles, tablets, computers, and […]

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Eyesight and Diabetes: A Complete Overview

How Can Diabetes Affect Your Eyes?  Diabetes can cause several eyesight problems due to blood glucose or blood sugar. Generally, it happens when you have too high blood sugar.  Short Term Effects of Diabetes  When your blood sugar remains too high for a short period, you may not suffer from vision loss. But you may have blurry vision for a few days or weeks. However, it may also happen because of […]

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