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Ways to Detect Pediatric Eye Problems at an Early Stage

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Pediatric eye problems are common and can be mild to moderate. They may be severe and lead to permanent vision loss in some cases. It is important to keep your eyes healthy by following simple tips and visiting the doctor regularly. Comprehensive eye exams can help to prevent chances of vision loss.

The most common eye problems that children usually experience include irritation in the eyes, difficulty in seeing things clearly, watery eyes, mild headaches, etc. 

How to Detect Pediatric Eye Problems at Early Stage?

According to the American Optometric Association, children ideally improve their visual abilities and develop new ones between ages 2 to 5 years.

Routine Eye Exams

Typically, babies get their first eye examination between six and nine months. In addition, they get eye exams as they are growing. The doctor may recommend different eye exams depending on age and family history. However, each eye exam is different, and it may include the following tests:

Visual acuity test

It identifies how sharp and clear the objects appear.

Vision Screening

It checks the overall health of the eyes

Eye alignment

It identifies the alignment of eyes and how well they work together

Common Signs of Pediatric Eye Problems

In addition to eye tests, some common signs can help detect pediatric eye problems at an early stage.

  1. Red Eyes

Red eyes are one of the most common signs that indicate unhealthy eyes. They can cause swelling, irritation, and vision impairment. In this way, small blood vessels get inflamed, and the white eye part goes pink or red. If you face these signs, you need to visit an optometrist to get further eye tests.

  1. Headache

Another common sign that can help you detect eye problems at an early stage is a headache. It causes pain in the head and can sometimes spread to the neck. It often happens due to physical distress like stress or high blood pressure. 

In this condition, you feel sharp, throbbing pain. It may be a sign of vision impairment. In case of persistent headaches, you can consult your doctor. 

  1. Scratchy or Watery Eyes

These symptoms mainly indicate dry eyes. It can occur at an early stage and become severe if not treated. If you do not get timely treatment, it may cause vision loss in the future.

  1. Floaters

Another sign is floaters that include lines, dots, or webs that appear across the vision. It seems like they are floating the areas of vitreous. You can see the shadow on the retina. However, if you have floaters in small amounts, they are usually harmless. They may even disappear over time.

In some cases, they can become a concern indicating severe eye problems like diabetic retinopathy. In other cases, it can include torn or detached retina, uveitis, posterior vitreous detachment, and eye lymphoma.


Each eye condition has particular symptoms. However, some symptoms appear at an early stage while others do not. So, it is essential to keep all common signs in mind to identify eye problems at an early stage and get treatment accordingly to prevent vision loss in children.

Written by Marley Jaxx

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