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Category: Eye Health

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Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to Sunlight?

A person with striking blue eyes and freckles across their cheeks looks intensely into the camera.

Having to squint your eyes or use your hand to shield your eyes from the bright sun is a universal experience, but do some people have it worse than others? There is some evidence that people with blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight than people with brown eyes. People with blue eyes are more likely to develop certain eye conditions.
Luckily, you can protect your eyes from sun damage regardless of their colour. By consistently wearing sunglasses and hats to shield your eyes from the sun, you reduce your risk of developing eye diseases caused by sun exposure.

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Do Eye Drops Expire?

A small, unmarked bottle of eye drops sitting against a blue background

Eye drops are commonly used to treat various eye conditions, including dryness, redness, itchiness, and allergies. If you experience any of these issues, your eye doctor might suggest using eye drops to help moisturize, lubricate, and reduce inflammation caused by underlying factors. However, eye drops have expiry dates, so if you store them and forget […]

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