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Category: Eye Exams

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How Often Should I Get An Eye Exam?

A woman gets her eyes checked at her biannual eye exam.

The Importance of Regular Eye Exams The importance of regular eye exams can’t be overstated. Your eyes and optimal vision health are needed for work, school, driving and many everyday activities. Adults between 20 and 64 get their eyes checked every two years, however, if they wear contact lenses, have diabetes, or other health issues, […]

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When Should My Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

A female optometrist examines a young boy's eyes with a slit lamp

It’s advised by eye care professionals that children undergo their first eye assessment between six months to one year of age, even in the absence of visible vision issues. Adopting a preventive approach is important in managing ocular health and can help circumvent potential eye diseases and emergencies through routine exams and a wholesome lifestyle. […]

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Why Are Eye Exams Important for Your Vision?

Regular eye check-ups are essential to maintain your vision and detect early signs of eye infections or diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration. If you do not get treatment for these conditions on time, it can significantly affect your sight. Eye exams are important because many serious eye diseases are preventable if detected […]

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