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Everything You Need to Know About Ocular Migraines

Ocular Migraines Ocular or Ophthalmic migraines are inherently harmless and temporary, but highly discomforting. The effects of this illness are relatively short term but extremely dangerous and uncomfortable. It can cause problems such as vision loss or temporary blindness. These symptoms can last up to an hour and it usually occurs with a severe headache […]

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The Foremost Tips for Preventing Age-Related Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration Also referred to as AMD, is the degeneration of the macula which is the area of the retina that oversees visual function. This is responsible for the human ability to recognize faces, memorize places and understand our surroundings. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss, especially in older individuals. Age-related macular […]

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Spring Eye Care Tips

Spring is often referred to as the king of seasons, but unfortunately, it is also the season of allergies. Of course, there is more than just allergies that constitute eye-health care, but allergies can open doors for other eye problems as well. Some of the most common symptoms of allergies in spring are Sinus congestions […]

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Should You See an Optometrist or an Ophthalmologist for Good Eye Care?

Scheduling an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist is essential regarding your eye health. Eye specialists also encourage regular visits as this way, you can learn about the condition of your eyes and they can help diagnose potential eye diseases as well. It is also a wise decision as frequent appointments with an eye specialist […]

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