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Dangers of Blue Light

When you stare at a computer, TV, or phone screen for several hours at a time, you’re exposed to blue light emitted from these devices. All light rays are not created equal. Blue light is the kind of light that is emitted from your laptop, TV, and smartphone. It carries numerous vision and health risks […]

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Importance of Regular Eye Exams

Getting regular eye exams is one of the best forms of preventive care for your vision and eyes. By going to your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam, you can detect health problems early on. It is worth mentioning that several eye conditions – potentially blinding ones – do not have early symptoms. An ophthalmologist or optometrist can […]

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Tips for UV Protection

When most people think about damage from the sun’s UV rays, they focus mostly on their skin. However, the sun poses a serious risk to our eyes as well as the delicate skin around the eyes. It is worth mentioning that extended exposure to UV rays has been associated with significant eye problems, such as cataracts, pingueculae, […]

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What is Hyperopia?

Hyperopia or farsightedness is the vision problem where one can view distant objects more clearly than nearer ones. The objects near the individual appear blurry or less clear. People with severe hyperopia can experience blurred vision of both distant and near objects, where near objects appear hazier. How Does Hyperopia Occur? Light bends and changes […]

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Three Common Eye Injuries

Your eye lids are designed to protect the more sensitive inner parts. The sclera and cornea protect your eyes from dust, bacteria and foreign particles by keeping them from entering your eyes. The way your eyes are embedded in the socket of your skull protects them from many injuries or falls which you can sustain […]

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What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy is a major cause of emulsified eyesight among diabetic patients and indicates the onset of blindness among aged adults. Diabetic retinopathy also results in DME, a condition where a part of the retina known as macula starts to swell. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a great medical concern worldwide. First Signs of Diabetic Retinopathy […]

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What is Digital Eye Strain?

Digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, is a condition where an individual experiences vision-related problems. This is especially true for those people who are quite fond of using digital devices, like a tablet, e-reader, and smartphone, etc. What Causes Digital Eye Strain? Advances in technology have increased the rate at which we […]

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